An Experimental Newspaper by Semester 4 (4C) Journalism Students

Home � A Discontent

A Discontent

In life we know that we can never be truly happy.
We can never have
perfect things or know
perfect people.
There will always be
something or
someone that makes us feel discontent.
What happens if that
discontent comes from the person we care for the most.
The person that we love.
We start blaming them.
We feel that they are
incompetent and wrong.
We feel that they have many faults.
We feel that they cannot make us happy.
Maybe this is because in actual fact we are grieved by our own guilt.
The guilt of doing something to them.
Something horrible and unfair.
A Discontent
Something wrong.
Something we don’t ever
want them to find out.
To cover that guilt we point
out their faults and
We choose to blame them.
To cover up our own fault.
To make us feel better.
How long can we last till it finally comes out
or worse till it eats us from the inside.
What is the best solution?
How can we make it go away.
Should we come clean?
Should we tell the truth?
Should we apologise?
I would try my best to stop feeling discontent.
Start loving them the way I use to again.
I don’t know if that would work
but at least I should try.
We should try.

Sarah Yasmin Mohd Khalid
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengajian Undang- Undang

Gambar Hiasan

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